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Guía de Tallas Palacio

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Gandhi The Dog in Photography 1839-Today, , large
Gandhi The Dog in Photography 1839-Today, , editorial


    The Dog in Photography 1839-Today


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    Hasta 18 meses con intereses pagando con Tarjeta Palacio.
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    Hasta 18 meses con intereses pagando con Tarjeta Palacio.

    Vigencia del 7 al 31 de Enero

    *Consulte en términos y condiciones tarjetas participantes.


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    Raymond Merritt, 'The Dog in Photography 1839-Today'; In celebration of the world's favorite animal, we bring you over 400 photographs of or about dogs. With pictures from the 19th century to today, the collection includes works by Man Ray, Eric Fischl, Wolfgang Tillmans, Donna Ruskin, Fatima NeJame, Vincent Versace, and of course Elliott Erwitt and William Wegman. Together, their pictures, unique in style but united in canine affection, are testimony if ever there was one that dogs are not only best friends, but also pure photographic inspiration. Forget #dogsofinstagram, this is real canine art, showing how the camera has been key witness to dogs in all their diversity, character, and friendship, from pensive pooch portraits to four-pawed action shots. As intellectually as it is visually stimulating, the book includes captivating essays tracing the presence of dogs in the history of photography and their relationship with humans across the decades.

    SKU: 39681375 Model: 9783836567473
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    Género: Arte y Recreación

    Hasta 18 meses con intereses pagando con Tarjeta Palacio.

    Envío gratis en compras superiores a $399.00 M.N.

    Gandhi The Dog in Photography 1839-Today, , large
    The Dog in Photography 1839-Today
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