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Guía de Tallas Palacio

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    Beer History Legends Trends


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    Hasta 18 meses con intereses pagando con Tarjeta Palacio.
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    Hasta 18 meses con intereses pagando con Tarjeta Palacio.

    Vigencia del 7 al 31 de Enero

    *Consulte en términos y condiciones tarjetas participantes.


    Descripción de producto

    Pietro Fontana, "Beer History Legends Trends"; This book is a journey in words and pictures from ancient times to the modern day, via the history and geography of one of the oldest phenomena in the history of mankind: beer! This book brings to the reader the ancient story of beer, presenting ingredients and methods of production, which for the most part have not changed in Centuries, and accompanies the reader in his discovery of ten types of beer made in the principle beer-making traditions around the world. The book reveals many trade secrets and recommends beers that are unknown to most people: salty, smoky, true to medieval recipes, or recently created by daring independent brewers. Stunning pictures of still-life and food expert Petroni will allow the reader to merge into the refreshing world of beers! Author: Fabio Petroni, after studying photography, worked with some of the best-known professionals in the sector. His career has led him to specialise in portraits and still lifes, fields in which he has demonstrated an intuitive and rigorous style. He has published several titles for White Star Publishers.

    SKU: 42189879 Model: 9788854416918


    Número de Páginas: 143
    Idioma: Inglés
    Editorial: White Star Publishers

    Ficha Técnica

    Autor: Pietro Fontana

    Hasta 18 meses con intereses pagando con Tarjeta Palacio.

    Envío gratis en compras superiores a $399.00 M.N.

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    Beer History Legends Trends
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